Thursday, April 28, 2011

WATER. . . kind of

I was so ready, and so excited to write this celebration post about how the purified water, and the running water came back. The running water (having been out 13 days now) came on completely unexpectedly the middle of this morning. I was so excited to take a real shower, and let the WARM water run over me. I had already gotten dressed and ready for the day, so I thought I would wait until I finished up some things, then get showered before the big kids finished with school at noon (they got out early today). But, within an hour or two, it was gone. Who knows where it went, or why, but its not here, again.

There is really good news though about the purified water, after running out Tuesday afternoon, the truck came today and filled us up! We were able to buy two jugs Wednesday at the corner store (all they had) so those two lasted us during the day yesterday, and we only had to go a little while longer this morning without.

It may be hard to tell, but this is a FULL water dispenser. And there are approximately 35 more jugs where it came from :)

Despite the lack of running water, we are blessed to at least get water so we can take bucket or washcloth baths, and can pour it in to flush the toilet, we have a great method of washing dishes too, so if nothing else, I have learned how much we completely take for granted these modern developments, and it is a good reminder of how even though I never thought I would last this long. With God's help, I have become content with my bucket bath, and hey, we don't waste nearly as much water that way!

So as you are taking your nice long, warm, shower tomorrow morning, just savor it, every drop :)

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