Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cheryl's visit

Today Cheryl came to visit, and with her she brought a couple of very dear little ones! I asked for your prayers about Maria here and by God's grace she came through surgery really well and has had a speedy recovery. The concerns have turned back though to the tumors. She spent almost a year in the U.S. trying to receive treatment for them without any true success. She has been back here a couple months and plans are for her to go back to the States as soon as she can to start a experimental treatment in hopes of it shrinking the tumors. Her mom and sister came in from Waspam today (so they came by us to pick them us) and I took this picture of them. Her mom was surprisingly emotional (often you don't see much of any emotion in the miskito people but she was quite teary eyed).

Please continue to keep Maria and her family in your prayers. She is especially in need of prayers for miraculous effects from this drug as her prognosis is not very good without its success. 

The other little one came in the form of our little miracle man. Let me tell you- that he is. If I didn't know, I would have never in a million years believe that this little boy I was holding today was the same one I sat with in the hospital 2 and a half months ago. That little boy is gone and a new one has come and taken him over physically, and emotionally. Tears ran down my face as I held him remembering the way he felt before. It truly is amazing what God has done in this little boy.

Here he is with me and Jhoselin- his older sister. They look much more alike here than they did when he first came here, when he was in the hospital here, when he first smiled, and when he last came to visit. He is definitely a beautifully blessed little guy who has found some people who really want to pour into his life and prove God's faithfulness through his healing.

Friday, March 2, 2012

the lesson learned from numbers

I have been reading through the book of Numbers. I can't say its my favorite book of the Bible, but that is where I'm at. In a lot of ways it's pretty intimidating. All those rules, regulations, stipulations; I would be terrified to step out of my house in fear that I was going to sin without realizing it. But you have to say, it is also a pretty exciting story. God's people are out on this adventure, God has taken the Israelites from this life of oppression and slavery in Egypt and is leading them to this dream land of milk and honey. Do you know though, what I feel more than anything, the thought that crosses my mind about a dozen times every chapter. . . I say- seriously Israelites. I so often am reading and can only think, Are you really doing that? Are you really testing God like that? Are you really that ignorant that you can't see EVERYTHING God is doing??? How He is constantly speaking through Moises. The way that He makes Himself known through the cloud and fire, how everything that He says will happen, does. How can you people be so naive as to not simply trust Him. Isn't it obvious enough that He IS?!

I was sitting there reading just getting so frustrated with it all and suddenly this book just smacked me across the back of the head. God came out and said, you think I put this book in the Bible just to get a little action in the storyline??? No. It all applies. I think to myself, geez, don't you suppose you are the same as those Israelites. Even though God has been shown and proven time and time again over and over, you still doubt. God says, you still question whether or not I know what I'm doing. If you would just trust me and go along with my plan you would realize there is no place for worry, no place for doubt and no reason to try and fight against me.

It looks so obvious when you are reading a story with a beginning, middle, and end, but for some reason it's so much harder to apply to real life.

So this is what I am learning, even though somedays I may feel like I'm wandering like the Israelites, God has it all mapped ou, and I have to stop being so stubborn in thinking that God may have left me to make desicions without Him and remember that He makes His presense known every single day, and I just have to trust. I have to stop questioning Him. I have to stop being like the Israelites and just let God be God and lead me.