Friday, April 29, 2011

Adventures to Managua with the Luvianita

Today was long. Any day we go into Managua is long, but today was even worse.
Moises had a mile long list of things to do in town, one of which was taking Luviana and I to her eye doctor appt. As we were planning yesterday, we decided though, that Kyle would come with us so that after her appointment, the three of us (Kyle, Luviana and I) would just take the bus back, so we wouldn't have to stay in town all day. We left at 8 am so that we could get in quick, and get back home before noon. But of course things never go as planned. The only stop we had to make before the eye dr. appt. (dropping the other truck off at the mechanic) took until 11:45 am. When we got to the eye doctor at noon, the receptionist told us it would be at least an hour wait before we could be seen. Okay then. . . so we decided to run and get a bite to eat during that time.

We got back to the eye doctor and were met by more waiting time. Moises left us so he could get other errands done in the time we were waiting and meeting with the doctor. It was also decided that Kyle would take the bus back, (meaning there was no hope of Luviana and I getting home anytime before dinner).

Long story short we got to the eye dr. the second time around 1:15 pm and left at 5:10pm.
Your next question may be. . . what do you do with a 7 year old who can barely see for 4 hours (minus the half an hour we were in with the doctor) in an office waiting room???
We were actually able to have some good bonding time, Luviana took a little nap on my lap, and we made up some fun games. Some of these games included:
-grab my hand before I can move it
-find where the steps are and jump up and down them without falling
-catch the rock when I drop it
-which phone sounds like *this* (enter ringing sound of my, charity, leo, moises, ana, kyle or the house phone)
I think you get the idea :) But it really is nice to be able to spend one on one time with the kids, and see their personality when they are without all the other kids.

After the appointment, Luviana and I walked down the street to get some crackers and a soda pop, and saw a car accident. Today everyone was celebrating the Day of the worker. So Daniel Ortega (the president) made a huge speech, and something like 250 buses took part in the activity, driving around parade style with people sitting on top and waving flags out the windows. In the process of the buses taking up the entire street, a taxi trying to squeeze his way through an opening that wasn't big enough. Concluding in crash, bang boom. Fortunately it was nothing major, but it was a good summary of the other 3 crashes we also drove by on our way back home. Because of the busses all taking part in this parade, there was not many to actually take people home though either, so as we drove back to El Crucero, the people were everywhere lining the streets, waiting for the littlest hope of a bus to pass and have space for them to ride back in.

So the day that was supposed to be a relatively quick run into Managua (at least for Luviana and I) turned into an ALL day ordeal in which we got back about 7pm, and Moises only got about half of the things done on his list. Either way, it was an adventure, and it reminds me why I try to avoid trips to Managua unless absolutely necessary.

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