Friday, July 19, 2013

How does it happen that I blink and all of the sudden nearly an entire month has passed. It's crazy!

Really there is so much to update on I can't even organize it all in my head (it doesn't help that I'm in bed ready to go to sleep though either)

1. I have some songs that I have recently fallen in love with. Here they are, in no particular order :)

"I Refuse" by Josh Wilson
"Oceans" by Hillsong United
"Te Prefiero a Ti" by Marcos Brunet
"Atrae mi Corazon" by Marcos Brunet

I just feel so convicted by the first one, and the other three just make me want to do nothing more that simply worship my God for ever and for always. Such pure love songs for our Savior.

2. I have more pictures of meals but most of them are just dinners. I got a little bored of taking the same gallo pinto and tortilla picture so I kind of stopped (that kind of defeats the purpose of the project doesn't it) but I still was taking pictures of  new dinners just to show more variety, but obviously you can see they have not been posted yet. . . Soon, I hope :)

3. We had Debonney's Quinceanera! What a great party, and also a very cool testimony to the way that God shows favor and works things out. Don't worry, she'll get her own post showing all the pictures.

4. I was in Waspam. I fall more in love with that place every time I go. I'm not exactly sure what it is that attracts me to it but I definitely enjoy the time I am able to spend there. I have lots of things to share about being there, like maybe multiple posts worth, but again. . . that will happen when I'm a little more awake and my thoughts can come across more coherently! For now I will leave you of a little glimpse of the trip :)

I was just listening to the song Oceans again while I was picking out these pictures, and the lyrics just hits me,
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me. . .
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine.

How beautiful is it to know that we have this God who is our ultimate rest. We are fully His and He is fully ours. With Him we have no need to fear, there is no reason to question our existence, and there is every reason to simply trust. Even though the trust may seem blind, our faith tells us otherwise and the presence and the Spirit of the Lord leads us and guides us to know Him even more.

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