Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Project Food: Day hodge-podge

So a couple days I didn't manage to take pictures of all three meals, so here are four meals that we ate over the weekend.

Dinner: Rice with veggies and boiled chicken with Tajadas. Broccoli is a very rare addition to our menu. The kids don't love it (some things are universal) so they are probably quite content that it is not generally included in our meals, but I love the chance to have a little bit. Tajadas are also a traditional food down here. They are fried green plantains. Normally we eat a lot of plantains cooked in a variety of ways, we just happen to be almost out right now.
Breakfast: This was a breakfast of left overs the next day. Rice (with a couple of the remaining veggies just for my plate), tajadas and cheese (the same cheese we use to fry, but just fresh this time) With orange tang to drink.
Dinner: Pupusas! So pupusas aren't actually a Nicaraguan food. They are considered from El Salvador. They are corn tortillas with cheese baked inside of them. They form the tortilla dough in little pot like things, stuff them with cheese and then pat them flat. The brown parts coming out on the bottom and side are cheese that oozed out while it was cooking. Its served with a cabbage salad on top. (and some mango thrown in just because we had it!)
Sunday lunch: Sunday morning is always cereal, or at least most of the time. It's just easier! Especially because we're all busy getting ready at the same time for church, and we don't have any hired staff that comes that day. But this isn't your cereal of fruit loops, this is lunch. Lunch was rice and beans, left over pupusas, carne asado, (grilled beef) and left over cabbage salad from the night before. Mmmmm that's a lunch of champions there. This meal was even more special because as we were cooking we ran out of gas and the electricity went out a couple times, but in the end. . . SUCCESS! Sunday nights we eat dinner at church, so I didn't manage to get a picture of it either, maybe next time.

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