Friday, December 3, 2010


We got back yesterday from spending the week in Waspam. Who knew you could find a completely different world without even leaving the country. There are more differences to be found than simply the language. Most of the people in Waspam speak Miskito and Spanish, although the people in the villages really only speak Miskito. There was actually a man who came up to Charity and I while we were visiting one of the villages who, in spanish told us, 'Don't worry, I speak your language!' While waiting for him to begin speaking in English, we realized he meant spanish! I've never had anyone refer to my language as spanish before! haha.

In some ways, most of the houses look nicer than those you would find here on the other side of the country. For the most part they are all made of wood (a supply of which there is always plenty), so although most of the villages don't have any running water or electricity, they can still build a sturdy home. Most of them are up on stilts like this one too. 

When we were in the villages, we always had an entourage! The people (kids especially) would flock around the vehicle daring each other to get closer and closer. 

We came across Ruvi on Sunday. She is 12 years old and weighs barely nothing. She has never been seen by a doctor, and we are hoping to have her brought here to the home in El Crucero in the next week or so. She can't walk or crawl, and only says 'mama.' She can feed herself, and brings the water to her mouth to drink, but otherwise is dependent on the help of her siblings. We are still continuing  to keep her in our prayers, and hope God can work a miracle in her life. 

We brought two kids back with us, Samari and Billy. Samari is 5, and the older sister of Frankie who is already in El Crucero, while Billy is 2 and a half. There are five other children that are living in the home in Waspam ranging in age from 4 to 10. God blessed us with finding a new house mother, so hopefully all will go well with her and the kids there.  Here is a picture of Charity and I in the house in Waspam with Billy and Samari. 

Please continue to keep this region of the country in your prayers, they are often forgotten even by the people of their own country. Many of them farm, and the crop harvests have been really down. There are hardly any good beans to be found in the whole city, and other foods are very expensive. We know God is good and always provides, but for many people there miracles are especially needed. Also pray that Ruvi will be safely brought to Managua where she can get more medical attention. 

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