Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2000 Miles Away

The last few weeks have been wonderful. I have spent some time with my amazing family, and gotten to catch up with numerous friends. Christmas was a blessing and I am looking forward to an always fun New Years with our closest friends and family.

Here's a picture of me and my great fam from earlier this summer :) We are really good at laughing when we are together!

Even though I am 2000 miles away, life in Nicaragua is of course, constantly on my mind. I love checking up on Charity's facebook updates, and fortunately I've been able to stay more or less up to date on everything going on down there with phone calls and emails. I have gotten to talk to all the kids, including the babies, (talking with them would not necessarily be considered real conversations, but fun nonetheless) and see the newest Christmas pictures!

I have realized though while being here, how easy it is to forget about the difficulties that come up in a children's home in Nicaragua. Which brings me to the purpose of this particular post. Among others, I want to bring a couple pray requests to your attention:

1. There is a constant struggle to find honest, loving employees to care for the children. We have been through a number of Nicaraguan women who don't quite make the cut in providing the care and love the children need and deserve. Please continue to pray that we can find someone who is called by God to truly love these children and don't just treat them as a job.

2. The doctor came up with some disappointing news about Luviana's eyes. The first doctor said we could put an artificial eye in her left eye, and with a cornea transplant she should be able to regain good vision in her right eye, but the last doctor said a cornea transplant wouldn't make any difference to her nearly blind eye. While we still plan on trying to get another opinion, above all else, trust is put in God and His ability to work miracles.

3. When one person gets sick, everyone gets sick. . . While most of the kids have gotten over being sick, Charity's immune system has decided to go on vacation and leave her body prey to the germ bugs. Pray for a speedy healing, as she has plenty on her plate!

4. A few months ago numerous things were donated to the organization, and sent down on a large semi truck to be delivered. Due to various complications, it has still not arrived and facing more issues. Please pray for God's favor in the whole situation, it is greatly needed!

5. Please keep one of the girls in the home in your prayers. There have been some issues that have recently come up that simply need the Lord's intervention.

On the otherside, there are always reasons for rejoicing and praising the Lord.

1. Yelka walks!!!! While the tiniest (in size not age; at 2 years old she is the second youngest) member of the home was taking her first steps before I left, she hadn't yet taken the plunge. But since I have left, (although this picture does not give real proof) I was informed she has found her legs and is walking like a pro!

2. Olfelia is learning how to use the potty! Ideally all the babies would be potty trained by my return, but I know that is not quite a logical desire :) So I have been studying up on my potty training skills, and thanking the Lord that we will have one less baby to buy diapers for!

3. The organization has a new website that is looking fabulous, check it out here.

4. Since I have been home I have been blessed with some free time. I have been using some of this time in attempt to improve my Miskito and learn more about the culture and language of these people. So I have a praise and a request. A request that I can be successful in my attempts to learn this other language, and a praise that I am actually progressing!

5. The Lord is constantly providing, and always present regardless of whether we know and acknowledge it or not. Just the thought of this is reason enough to direct all our praise to Him.

Love and prayers to all of you and your families during this great time of year!

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