Thursday, May 30, 2013

Project Food: Day 1

Breakfast: Gallo pinto (traditional Nicaraguan food, essentially just rice and beans mixed together, but because 'rice and beans' is different than 'gallo pinto' in the way it is prepared and served, this is not rice and bean) with an egg and corn tortilla. With hot tea to drink :) The tea's not so much a Nicaraguan thing, just a me thing. They would all have coffee.
Lunch: Rice and spaghetti. During the week lunch is prepared and served in the Feeding Center that we have here at the compound. They cook for over a 100 people; mostly kids but also elderly, handicap and us here at the house. Rice put with spaghetti is a surprisingly common meal down here. I think that for us in the States we would not dream of putting carbs with more carbs, but here people eat to get full, and I've actually grown to like the combination of the two together. The only thing that still gets me is that they usually use ketchup as sauce on spaghetti. . . I haven't quite gotten used to that flavor. And to drink: Tea with lemon, that is another favorite. We drink a lot of it, mostly because its the only type they sell in bulk at Pricemart, but also because we like it.
Dinner: Chop Suey. I love this meal. It's one of my favorites, really. That could be because it has a different flavor from what we usually eat, also because its loaded with vegetables :) Its rice (obviously) and Chop Suey which is made of shredded chicken, cabbage, carrots, and chayote (a squashlike vegetable that is super common down here. we eat it often) cooked together in a soy sauce with the Chinese noodles on top just for fun.

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