Thursday, August 2, 2012

the sun

God answered our prayers. Yesterday in our morning group prayer, we specifically prayed for the sun. We prayed that God would give us a little break from the cold drizzly weather we were having and just let the sun peak through for a little bit. And wouldn't you know it, but He answered, and the answer wasn't 'wait.' It was YES and NOW.

Today we woke up and there was sun. and we went to class, and there was sun, and then we ate lunch and the sun stayed, then the kids took a nap, and it was still shining brightly when they woke up, and now its nearly dinner time, and the sun is still warming us like it has all day. It has been a heavenly day.

Here is some picture proof that the day was gloriously sunny and probably a good 25 degrees warmer than it has been the last few weeks.

Laundry got done.

And all my children were in much better moods :)

Thank you LORD for answered prayers.

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