Saturday, August 18, 2012

the ruby angel

Today I felt helpless. I think it must be what a mother of a little baby feels like when her baby is crying and she just doesn't have the slightest idea what they want. . .

Ruby was so upset today :( She just kept crying and crying and moving around uncomfortably without allowing herself to be consoled. Usually I like to think I am pretty good at communicating with her and knowing what she wants or needs. I may not always be able to make her happy, but at least I feel better knowing why she's upset. Today was different though. She doesn't have a fever. She ate dinner, so she doesn't appear to have a sore throat. She's not constipated, she wasn't rubbing her stomach like she does when it hurts, she couldn't point out anything else to show me that it hurt, I just felt so helpless.

Yes, at times she can throw her fits and tantrums, but this type of an attitude from her was so rare. I just wanted to cry along with her! We just sat in the chair, her burying her head into my chest crying and crying. . . In the end she wanted to get into her bed which she did, and fell asleep almost immediately (also pretty uncharacteristic of her). So I still haven't arrived at any conclusions about why she was acting like that, but at least now she is peacefully sleeping!

I just keep praying she will feel better. She loves church so I would hate to see her not feel up to going tomorrow. please keep her in your prayers too!

1 comment:

  1. How is sweet ruby? I've been praying for you guys a lot!!
