Monday, September 26, 2011


Sometimes I wonder why in the world, God called me to be here. What in the world my purpose is in it all, and why someone else wasn't put here.  And then one of the kids will do something to give me a knock on the head and say 'DUH.' And I realize we're here for each other. I'm here for the kids, and they are here for me. I'm here because this is where God called me to be, and I love it. It is a life filled with so many moments of pure joy, and although you may not see the joy as clearly, I still want to share these precious moments with you. 

Sunday night after church I usually take a role call. Its more than anything fun, and informal, but it gives me a little peace of mind to know that everyone is in the van. I usually go by age (that way I am sure not to forget anyone) and go down even through all the babies (who are precious when they answer 'presente!' (present!)) I even have to call all the grown ups (regardless as to whether or not they are the one driving, in the passenger seat, or myself) But Sunday as I called Samari (the 5 year old), her response was 'Si, mama, aqui estoy' 'Yes mama, I'm here.' My heart melted, of course. And she's the best when I pick them up from preschool, she always runs at me and buries her head in my legs telling me all the latest news (usually involving how Luviana was behaving during class, and what they ate, or who she shared her cookies with). 

Every time Yelka runs at me full speed, or covers her eyes when I hold her and someone else comes by wanting to take her, or how she tells me she wants to 'dormir' (sleep) when nap time or bed time is no where in sight, simply because it means I will lay down with her in the bed and cuddle, its that feeling of joy and pure love. How could I wish there was anyone else in my place.

The other morning I was sitting eating breakfast with Solimar -7 years old- (they were off school, so we were having a really laid back breakfast) and she began a round of spit fire question asking. It started with 'How does God talk to us?' Then moved to 'How do we know its God talking to us?' and 'What is the devil like?' and how did he become the devil, and how many devils are there, and if there was a fight between God and the devil, who would win, and what happened to the guys who died on the crosses next to Jesus, and so on and so forth. I could barely get my response out before she was on to the next question, but I was so thrilled that these were the questions she was asking, and she was so interested in knowing these things and really being educated in this faith she professed as opposed to just living the motions. Sure with every question I hoped that I was really giving the Godly response, but I was so happy that I was there for her that particular morning to be her resource. 

Then today I took Emily to the bathroom and she occasionally has a problem with constipation (sorry, I'm just being honest) and she sat there and the look on her face when more than just pee pee came out- again- pure joy. 

The other night Ruby was walking holding hands with two people when it turned into a game of 'Ring Around the Rosie' a game she loves and during the part where it says "we all fall down!" She squeals with joy and screams laughter as everyone falls down around her, and then she falls down herself and rolls on the ground with excitement. Its one of the greatest sights to see. 

Tonight I was sitting in with the babies and Ofelia grabbed Leito to dance with him. She held him in the stance you would if you were ballroom dancing and started singing "Na na na na na na na" (Every move I make) as they marched around the room. Pretty great, I think it should be considered a song you should always ballroom dance to (Eryn take note).

Then laughter of a different form was sparked tonight as two of the older girls and I talked with the lady who cooks dinner, and the women who helps to do laundry/clean about the ideas of marriage, when you should get married, and if it's better to just stay single. I will spare you of all the details, but lets just say I was laughing out loud from some of the things they had to say about it all. 

And the last moment of joy for this post comes Ruby. She loves hair accessories for one, but she had a head band around her forehead and was doing the movements prompted by the other girls moving her arms around and dancing, and that coupled with the spandex pants she always wears. . . and you have a mini sized 13 year old straight out of a 90's aerobics video. 

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