Friday, June 3, 2011


I'm a teacher! We'll I guess I have been off and on for a while now, But just this week I have started with a new class.

Last fall I taught Christian Education (Bible class) in the primary school, and starting in February I began teaching English to adults every Saturday morning at the Technical School we have here with the organization. Its a lot of fun (adults are so much different to teach than kids!) and it is only an hour of class every week, so I don't have to devote all that much time to it. But Wednesday the life of simple teaching one day a week ended, and I have embarked on a new and exciting adventure! The US Embassy has a program called the English Access Microscholarship Program where they select about 25 students to take part in an intensive two year English class to fluently learn the language. It meets for two hours/day, 5 days a week. There are only a hand full of cites around Nicaragua, and El Crucero happened to be chosen as a host city, and further more, the class is held at our school! So in addition to this being a great opportunity, they were also looking for teachers from the area. And that just happens to be ME :) We started classes Wednesday, and I am really excited for the potential that could come from this class. It is made up of 14-16 year olds, who are all genuinely excited to learn English. The program provides all the resources we need, a TV, CD, and DVD player, finances to take field trips, (even traveling stipends for the students who have a longer ways to travel to get to class).

And although I was nervous about it all at first, the excitement is really kicking in. I am still just as much a part of life in the children's home, and all I am doing there, this is just an added activity in my day! Also, In teaching, you only commit to two months at a time. So while I know I will be teaching the next two months, I can choose which of the 8 week units I want to teach, and they will hire others to teach the ones I don't

So anyways, just wanted to share that news, and ask for prayers over the whole program and process!

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