Friday, March 18, 2011


We have been sick :( Everything from coughs to neumonia to faringoamigatitis (don’t ask me what that means, all I know is putting an 8 year old on bedrest for 48 hrs is more work on the mama than on the child.) But fortunately we are definitely feeling better and ALL kids are back in school! despite the infinitely long list of medicines that still have to be taken for a couple more days.

Ofelia with the nebulizer. Two of them were being nebulized every 4 hours!
Luckily they were good at sitting and doing it with out any real argument.

So in the mean time we have been doing a lot of grooming : ) Between the last two days I have cut 60 finger nails and 60 toe nails, (that’s a total of 120 not counting my own), and painted 55 finger or toe nails. (Ruby decided half way through she only wanted the one hand done.) But that number would have been a little higher if the little boys got their way. I cleaned a glass eye twice (the second time was not planned) and had to put it in a third time (don't ask). Picked lice out of five of my girls, and rubbed/gave preventative scabies medicine to everyone in the house (18 people). But in spite of nearly naming the home a quarantine zone, we are doing well, and praising the Lord for it!

A couple painted toe nails. The feet also happen to belong to emily who celebrated her second birthday today!

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