Sunday, September 5, 2010

I don't like to paint

Whenever I hear that we are painting, I am excited, then we begin and I remember why it is that I do not like it. This weekend we took on painting the nursery, family room and hallway. I really like painting with the roller, you know what I mean, when you just can get the paint and go.
What I don't like:
The preparation- moving furniture, taping the door frames and light switches, and finding the brushes.
The details- not getting paint on the ceiling, not getting paint on the floor, painting around the light switches, painting the top up against the ceiling, painting the bottom by the floor, painting the bottom trim without tape to give you a straight line.
The clean up- you finally finish painting the rooms, and are relieved to be done, and then you remember there is a tarp, pans, multiple brushes and rollers still left to clean up.
Finally you are done and then you wake up the next day and start all over with a second coat!

Really it is not so bad, especially when you have great company, but I'm not sure I will eagerly volunteer to paint anytime in the near future :)

Luckily the rooms look great, and are dry for the most part, so we don't have to constantly be guarding the wet walls from running children!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren!! I hope you are having an amazing time - you're awesome!! - Rachel
