Saturday, April 20, 2013

Don Jose's Miracle

Wednesday night Dona Mayra sent word with her daughter that she would probably not be coming in the morning because her husband was sick and they were thinking about taking him into the hospital. Depending on what the doctors said, he may have to stay the night.

After hearing that, it wasn't much of a surprise when she didn't show up to cook breakfast in the morning. We didn't even think much of it after the day had passed and we hadn't heard any more from her. It wasn't until Friday after she didn't come again that we called to check in on her and her husband.

She broke down on the phone. Her husband (Don Jose) had gone into the clinic because of a fever that he had had for a couple days. They sent him to the hospital. Once at the hospital they put him in observation and went through a series of tests. It was determined that he had infections in his kidney and spleen; his spleen was swollen and enlarged and his kidneys were failing. The doctors told Dona Mayra her husband would not live, that there was nothing they could do for him; that she should take him home so that he could die there. They told her they were not going to admit him because there was nothing that could be done, they were going to write up a letter for her to sign, releasing the hospital from responsibility for his death.

What are you supposed to say to a woman who has just been told her husband's death is inevitable. Especially when you see so many deadbeat dads and husbands in this country, to know that this fate was being declared to one man who did not fit that norm. She was heartbroken to say the least. But she was not ready to give up, and she finally managed to convince a nurse to have him admitted. We began to pray for Dona Mayra and her husband, praying for her strength and for his miracle.

Saturday night a group of us went to the hospital to visit and pray for him. He had been put in the men's orthopedic ward. We walked in the large room. There were about 15 beds in the corridor, each with a plastic chair by its side. Men in varying conditions and varying ages filled the room. Each one with someone by their side. The lights were dim and it was fairly quiet. We walked up to Don Jose's bedside. He was aware of what was going on but struggled to speak. His stomach was bulging and he was visibly uncomfortable. Dona Mayra looked nearly defeated. The well kept, always put together lady who came to cook for us daily was at a loss for what to do. She was staying strong for her man, but she was close to breaking. We began praying for him: prayed for his healing, for God's miraculous touch to come upon him, and most importantly, we prayed for his salvation. Pastor Oscar prayed with him the prayer of salvation and he accepted the Lord as his savior in that moment. Pastor Oscar told him we looked forward to seeing him when he got home. His response, "If not, we'll see each other in Heaven." We prayed with several of the other men in the ward before leaving for the evening. As we walked out of the hospital, tears welled up in my eyes. I just couldn't hold back. I had faith yes, I believed God could heal him. But was it his desire? We would just have to continue praying in faith that his healing was in God's plan.

Monday Dona Mayra called. Don Jose had begun responding to treatment. It was the first promising words she had been told. Every day we received more good news. The following Monday he was released from the hospital. His body still slightly weak, but now completely free of infection. The doctors didn't know how it was possible, but the tests showed his organs were not functioning normally. The doctors may not know, but we do. God preformed a miracle in his life. God is not ready to be done with him and has now given him a new chance at life. A couple of weeks have passed and he continues to get even better.

We serve a mighty God. A God who listens to our prayers and a God who heals.

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