Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We moved! Well that could seem a little deceptive; I and 4 of the girls are now living under a different room :) Although while before our address would have been km 23 1/2, 300 meters to the east, now it would read Km 23 1/2, 250 meters to the east. 

The building was originally started to be a classroom building but plans changed and it was changed into a Boys' Home. Which is what it has stayed throughout the remainder of construction, so how do we get there? It is still intended for housing boys, but we are missing 2 things to make it that. 1. house parents 2. boys. There are boys to bring, but until we find house parents to oversee the home, there is no point in bringing the boys in. At the same time, the home that is being built for a girls dormitory is not done yet. So instead of letting a great home sit unoccupied, it was decided that we should temporarily move on in!

This is what I wrote last week, the first night we were there.

So here I am lying down, our first night here. It's a lot like a role I would have imagined a camp counselor to have. The girls are SO excited, but nervous at the same time. They have asked about 50 questions about routine, what's going on in the morning, what to do if they fall out of bed, etc. It's really cute actually. And I'm realizing it's a good thing (i think) that I can hear everything they say in their room next to mine. 

Although I am also realizing there are certain things you should prepare a little better for when moving. We have been slowly been moving in over the last couple days, tonight is just the first time we slept here. But I only brought over my things, (and only some of them at that) this afternoon and evening, but here is what we didn't think about:

1. toilet paper (required running back to the house)
2. Luviana's eye medicine (required calling someone to run it over)
3. trash can- can wait until morning
4. towels and shampoo- we are clean enough for the night
5. sheets- well that's on me, and its not that I forgot sheets, its that I brought the wrong size. . . So I'm making due until tomorrow
6. tooth paste. . . 
7. a pitcher of purified water so we can drink something before bed
8. a broom

But we survived, and have very much enjoyed getting more and more settled everyday. We have gotten shower curtains, bathroom mats and trash cans and many other makings of a real home. We all got matching comforters, although the kids are still not completely used to being so warm at night :)

Here is the girls bedroom (right now we have 6 beds, and the room is still nearly empty! haha)

The family room where you first walk into when you get into the house

And my room! 

The bathroom and shower

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