Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This was by far the most emotionally confusing trip I have gone on cross culturally. I arrived back in Nicaragua last night after spending 2 awesome weeks back home in Indiana. Seeing family was great, visiting with friends and extended family was great, visiting my dear alma mater ND was so fun, it was a great vacation. But I think that was what made it all the more confusing. This was the shortest back and forth I've had. Before I went to Honduras for a month then came back home for a year, then went to Nicaragua 4 months and came home to Indiana for 4 weeks, but this was the kicker. . . Nicaragua for 7 months, Indiana for 2 weeks. A trip like that constitutes as a vacation, not a temporary change of residency. But how do you do a vacation at home, and how do you emotionally rationalize the idea that where your family lives in not your current home. I don't know I haven't figured it out yet. But I do know I love it here and I love it there and fortunately once I am past the travel day, I'm more or less content where I am. Also fortunately, its all up to God as to where I spend my days. God has called me to be in Nicaragua for this season, and in that He has given me a place that I am content, and fully satisfied in Him. Even though I take trips back to the States and think life there could definitely have its perks :) (even beyond being able to see and talk to my family whenever I want), my relationship with God also changes, and until I can hold steadfast to my faith while I am in the States the same way that I can in Nicaragua, I'm not called to go back yet, and maybe even when that happens either, but who knows, we'll just have to wait and see. I really love this picture, one of the older girls took it a while back, but I have never really had a reason to put it up, but I was just feeling it tonight :) I don't know, I just like it, and its surprisingly artsy for some teenagers who have only recently discovered digital cameras!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Lauren...I could not have said that better myself! All I can say is that I agree with your post 100%. So true...
