Tuesday, July 19, 2011

my dream house

eryn is here! she got in about 5 days ago and has been falling in love with the kids a little more everyday (i think!)

Her being here reminds me though, of those things that are cultural differences between here and the states that I had somewhat forgotten about or maybe even erased from my memory. One example, domestic help. Since I have come we have had one or two women working here in the house at a time. They help cook, clean, do laundry, those types of things. It may be a little more necessary with us as a ministry and a children's home, but regardless. Today the lady that works here hung out all my clothes to dry. I have been brought back to that initial idea of, is it okay for someone else to be doing this that I am completely capable of doing myself, (Its different in terms of all the kids and someone working to do their laundry etc.) but for me, I can very well wash, hang out, pull in, and fold my own laundry, so is it bad that someone who is getting paid to, will do it for me????
Thought number two, the other day in my English class we were talking about vocab having to do with inside and around the house, and one activity the book suggested was describing your dream house. I was shocked back into reality by the houses they described; ones that are very common in middle class America, even in some lower class homes. Some characteristics included: a house with 3 bathrooms, a house with 5 rooms, a TV with hundreds of channels, a pool outside.
Thing three: bugs. We really don't have a lot of bugs here, but we do have cockroaches and some other bigger insects. I had forgotten that its not normal to have one scurry across the living room floor at any given time.
Last idea: There are speed limits in the States. Here you drive as fast as the traffic and road conditions allow. . . And only the people in the front seat are required to wear seat belts, and only when you are passing through a police check point.

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