Monday, May 23, 2011

Carry out and Eat in Girls night

Tonight was great. Us girls got together for a special pre-mothers day (Nicaraguan Mother's day is May 30) dinner of take out T.G.I.F. And it was d e l i c i o u s. It being the only Fridays in the country and one of the only places in the country to get an authentic American style hamburger, we really spoiled ourselves. But even better than the food (topped off with a mocha chocolate cake fugde brownie pie with ice cream thing) was the friendship that surrounded it. It truly is amazing how God brings people together throughout life. People who in another life lived in different states scattered across the country with no reason to ever meet, and here we find ourselves in a little town half way between Managua and Diriamba sharing in every sacred emotion that a friendship will bring; excitement, sadness, anger, frustration, laughter, and tears.

So tonight that is what I am thankful for (even more than the chocolate and ice cream) is the opportunity to appreciate God putting people in our lives for a season and the lessons and love you can learn from them.

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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